Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Shop Talk Tuesday: Revisions, Oh My

I finished the first draft of my YA/NA story a few weeks ago. 
Yay!  But Ugh.  Because now begins the hard part: revising. Yes, I think revisions are harder than finishing the book. 

I’ve let it sit as long as I can stand and it’s time to start diving back in.

Some people love revisions. I like it when I’m in the middle of it. Maybe it’s my inner Virgo. Setting things right, setting order to chaos. But, when I’m staring it in the face, it sorta makes me feel like this guy:

(If you didn’t go watch the video, you really should. It’s a ram, attacking a motorbiker. Really.)

Anyway. Revisions. They’re daunting. Like an angry ram in your face.

The only way I can even attempt them is to go at it with a clear plan. (I’m a Virgo, remember?)  I start big. Big picture items. Plot holes. Character inconsistencies. Stuff like that. Then I read to see if the tone is right. If the pacing is right. It’s only after I tackle those things that I can manage the grammar and the smaller word choice issues.

So, I’m in it now. Starting to read and look for big picture items.


How do you go about revising? Do you have a plan of attack? How about that ram? Sorry, but I laughed hysterically.  There’s probably something wrong with me.


  1. That is funny! *LOL* But there is probably something wrong with us. *LOL*

    It would help if I finished something so I could revise something...so I'm no help here. *LOL*

  2. Wasn't that funny? LOL!!

    You're getting to the end Hells. Before you know it, you'll be revising and whining like me. :)
