Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Shop Talk Tuesday: Writing the Query

Let's talk about query writing.

If you didn't notice--or look yet--I updated my Books tab above with a blurb about my latest project.  Go check it out, I'll wait here.

*pipes in Jeopardy theme music*

I admit: I really dislike writing these things. I actually don't know anyone who loves to write them.  Some writers like them more than others (ahem, I'm talking about you, Terri Osburn).  But no one loves this part.

I think part of my problem is that I'm not really good at marketing, myself or my books.  I'm getting better, but it's hard. Selling something is a completely different skill set than creating something. These couple of paragraphs have to hook the reader. They need to take the inciting actions in the book and turn them into something that will make someone say, "I need to read this NOW!"  You only get a few sentences.  Actually, some would argue you only get one sentence. If the first sentence is boring, some people will stop reading. Probably many people.

No pressure, right?

I have learned a couple of things, though. The query doesn't have to tell the whole story.  It just has to give enough to be provocative.

It needs to say what starts the action and then hint at how they start to resolve it. This is good news. It means all you have to do is condense about 1/3 or 1/2 of your book into a few sentences.  That's much easier than condensing the entire book into a few sentences.

*eye roll*

I think it's also beneficial to get your voice in there.  A taste of what the reader can expect.

What have you learned about blurb/query writing?  Any pointers are helpful!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Blurb is up!

I didn't get to post anything else this week but I'll be back on Tuesday to talk shop.

In the mean time, feel free to click on the Books tab above and read the blurb for my newest story!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Shop Talk Tuesday: Revisions, Oh My

I finished the first draft of my YA/NA story a few weeks ago. 
Yay!  But Ugh.  Because now begins the hard part: revising. Yes, I think revisions are harder than finishing the book. 

I’ve let it sit as long as I can stand and it’s time to start diving back in.

Some people love revisions. I like it when I’m in the middle of it. Maybe it’s my inner Virgo. Setting things right, setting order to chaos. But, when I’m staring it in the face, it sorta makes me feel like this guy:

(If you didn’t go watch the video, you really should. It’s a ram, attacking a motorbiker. Really.)

Anyway. Revisions. They’re daunting. Like an angry ram in your face.

The only way I can even attempt them is to go at it with a clear plan. (I’m a Virgo, remember?)  I start big. Big picture items. Plot holes. Character inconsistencies. Stuff like that. Then I read to see if the tone is right. If the pacing is right. It’s only after I tackle those things that I can manage the grammar and the smaller word choice issues.

So, I’m in it now. Starting to read and look for big picture items.


How do you go about revising? Do you have a plan of attack? How about that ram? Sorry, but I laughed hysterically.  There’s probably something wrong with me.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Long Time No See!

Hello dear readers!

I have been a horrendous slacker when it's come to this blog.

Part of it is that I blog with a great group of girls at the Romance Writer's Revenge so I usually say my most interesting stuff over there.  (Fine, sometimes even my not-so interesting stuff too.) Part of it is that I have little people underfoot a lot, especially in the summertime.  My DSs are 6 and 3. They keep me away from the computer and on my toes. Recently, most of my computer face time has been reserved for writing.

But come September, things are going to change up. (I hope!) My sons will both be in school, full time for the older, just a couple days a week for the younger.  I should have more time.

I'm making a resolution to be here more often. To give myself some incentive, I'm going to set up a little bit of a blog schedule. It's not a rule, just a suggestion.  :)

Tuesdays will be Shop Talk Tuesdays, when I talk about my progress, what I'm working on, what's holding me up. Things related to writing craft and business.  These posts will be my most regular posts. I'd like to post on Tuesday every week.

On Thursdays, I'll use to post things unrelated to writing. Maybe recipes. Maybe holiday related. Who knows?

Fridays I'll reserve for book releases, promotion of books, or for book recommendations.

I'm also going to try to update my book information more often. For example, I finished the first draft of GLORY, the YA/NA I've been working on.  I'll have a blurb together as soon as I can.

This is the plan, folks.  Let's see how it works out!

Do you blog?  If so, how often?  If not, why?  If you do, leave a link below so I can connect with you!