At the start of something new, I always have mixed emotions. I'm equal parts this...
And this ....
It's a really exciting time. I get to plot out something new, play with new scenarios. I can pluck the depths of characters and play what-if. Most important to me right now, I can write new words instead of revising previously written words! *happy sigh* Oh, I know revising is vital. But revisions require a different kind of creativity. A soul-sucking, exhausting, trying... er, I mean, wonderfully productive and necessary part of the creative process.
I'm deep in the research phase and my storyboard is deliciously empty. *rubs hands together* Here's hoping the next days see me typing like a madwoman and not doing a lot of this...
Sorry for the image-laden post. I was feeling visual today. So tell me... how do you feel at the beginning of a project? What are you working on right now?